The Sarah Jane Adventures
A British science fiction television programme that was produced by BBC Cymru Wales for CBBC, created by Russell T Davies and starring Elisabeth Sladen. It was a spin-off of the long-running science fiction show Doctor Who and focused on the adventures of Sarah Jane Smith, an investigative journalist who, as a young woman had numerous adventures across time and space with the Doctor.
Harvey Keitel
, Robert De Niro
, David Proval
, Richard Romanus
, Amy Robinson
, Cesare Danova
, Victor Argo
, George Memmoli
, Lenny Scaletta
, Jeannie Bell
, Murray Moston
, David Carradine
, Robert Carradine
, Lois Walden
, Harry Northup
, Dino Seragusa
, D'Mitch Davis
, Peter Fain
, Juli Andelman
, Robert Wilder
, Ken Sinclair
, Jaime Alba
, Ken Konstantin
, Nicki "Ack" Aquilino
, B. Mitchell Reed
, Martin Scorsese
, Catherine Scorsese
Martin Scorsese