Squirrel Boy

Squirrel Boy

Squirrel Boy is an American animated television series produced by Cartoon Network Studios. The series, created and executive-produced by Everett Peck, who also the creator of the more adult-humored Duckman, ran from May 27, 2006 until September 27, 2007 on Cartoon Network, with a total of 52 eleven-minute episodes. It also aired on Cartoon Network Australia in Australia and Teletoon in Canada and also in some parts of Africa. The series has no home video release, and is only available on iTunes.
Released: 2006-07-14
Casts: Robert De Niro , Jerry Lewis , Sandra Bernhard , Diahnne Abbott , Shelley Hack , Frederick de Cordova , Kim Chan , Ed Herlihy , Lou Brown , Margo Winkler , Ralph Monaco , Catherine Scorsese , Cathy Scorsese , Loretta Tupper , Peter Potulski , Vinnie Gonzales , Whitey Ryan , Doc Lawless , Marta Heflin , Chuck Low , Katherine Wallach , Charles Kaleina , Richard Baratz , Leslie Levinson , Alan Potashnick , Michael Kolba , Robert Colston , Ramón Rodríguez , Chuck Coop , Sel Vitella , Tony Boschetti , Tony Randall , Jay Julien , Joe Strummer , Paul Simonon , Kosmo Vinyl , Ellen Foley , Pearl Harbour , Gaby Salter , Jerry Baxter-Worman , Don Letts , Matt Russo , Thelma Lee , Joyce Brothers , Bill Minkin , George Kapp , Victor Borge , Rob-Jamere Wess , Audrey Dummett , June Prud'Homme , Edgar J. Scherick , Thomas M. Tolan , Ray Dittrich , Richard Dioguardi , Harry J. Ufland , Scotty Bloch , Jim Lyness , Diane Rachell , Dennis Mulligan , Tony Devon , Peter Fain , Michael F. Stodden , Gerard Murphy , Jimmy Raitt , Martin Scorsese , Charles Scorsese , Mardik Martin , William Jorgensen , Marvin Scott , Chuck Stevens , William Littauer , Jeff David , Mick Jones , Liza Minnelli
Director: Martin Scorsese

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