A one-hour mystery full of twists and turns that follows Danny Desai, a charismatic 16-year-old with a troubled past who returns to his hometown after spending five years in juvenile detention. Immediately branded an outcast, Danny attempts to reconnect with his two childhood best friends, Jo and Lacey. But when a fellow student is found dead in her home, Danny instantly becomes the prime suspect and town spirals into a frenzy of suspicion and mystery. Jo and Lacey must decide if their childhood friend is unforgivable, or if he's really a victim being persecuted for his own twisted secrets.
Kenneth Branagh
, Cynthia Nixon
, David Paymer
, Tim Blake Nelson
, Matt O'Leary
, Matt Malloy
, Andy Davoli
, Nelsan Ellis
, Jane Alexander
, Kathy Bates
, Melissa Ponzio
, Quint Von Canon
, Mike Pniewski
, Grayce Spence
, Rand Hopkins
, Brian F. Durkin
, Carrie Adams
, Georgia Miles
, Devon Gearhart
, Tripp Hennington
, Sam Frihart
, Matthew Stanton
, Ron Clinton Smith
, Lonnie R. Smith Jr.
, Jill Jane Clements
, Dave Hager
, Felicia Day
, Meggie Geisland
, E. Roger Mitchell
, Deborah Duke
, Bob Seel
, Brian Beegle
, Steve Coulter
, Marianne Fraulo
, Jody Thompson
, Frank Hoyt Taylor
, Lori Beth Sikes
, Teal Sherer
, Margo G. Dietrich
, Laurel Lawson
, Danny Nelson
, Sharon Blackwood
, Bart Hansard
, Terry Loughlin
, Marc McPherson
, J.L. Parker
, Wilbur Fitzgerald
, Terrence Gibney
, David Silverman
, Robert C. Treveiler
, Carl McIntyre
, Greg Thompson
, Ron Goss
Joseph Sargent