Titanic is a made-for-TV dramatization that premiered as a 2-part miniseries on CBS in 1996. Titanic follows several characters on board the RMS Titanic when she sinks on her maiden voyage in 1912. The miniseries was directed by Robert Lieberman. The original music score was composed by Lennie Niehaus. This is the first Titanic movie to show the ship breaking in two.
Lara Jill Miller
, Joshua Seth
, Bob Papenbrook
, David Lodge
, Dorothy Elias-Fahn
, Michael Sorich
, Peggy O'Neal
, Colleen O'Shaughnessey
, Brianne Siddall
, Jeff Nimoy
, Bob Buchholz
, Philece Sampler
, Mona Marshall
, Michael Lindsay
, Michael Reisz
, Wendee Lee
, Elizabeth Rice
, Anna Garduno
, Neil Kaplan
, Doug Erholtz
, Tifanie Christun
, Ralph Garman
, Paul St. Peter
, Tom Fahn
, Mike Reynolds
, Kirk Thornton
, Laura Summer
, R. Martin Klein
, Edie Mirman
, Steve Blum
, Joseph Pilato
, Lex Lang
, Bob Glouberman
, Brian Donovan
, Dave Mallow
, Derek Stephen Prince
, Robert Axelrod
, Richard Binsley
, Edward Glen
, David Greenlee
, Bryn McAuley
, Al Mukaddam
, Sue Rose
, Ruby Smith-Merovitz
Mamoru Hosoda
, Shigeyasu Yamauchi