

Thriller is an American anthology television series that aired during the 1960–61 and 1961–62 seasons on NBC. The show featured host Boris Karloff introducing a mix of self-contained, macabre weird-horror and morbid, hitchockian crime stories, in some of which he also starred.
Released: 1960-09-13
Genre: Crime
Casts: Klaus Kinski , Marie Dubois , Bernard Blier , Maurice Ronet , Anny Duperey , Charles Vanel , Jean-Luc Bideau , Elisabeth Flickenschildt , Raymond Bussières , Valérie Pascale , Catherine Arditi , Jean-Pierre Sentier , Fernand Guiot , Martine de Breteuil , Michèle Simonnet
Director: Serge Moati

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