The Romeo Section
Set in Vancouver, THE ROMEO SECTION is an hour-long serialized espionage drama following spymaster Professor Wolfgang McGee, an academic who secretly manages a roster of espionage assets. These assets, referred to as Romeo or Juliet spies, are informants engaged in intimate long or short term relations with state intelligence targets. Wolfgang is a semi-retired Romeo operator, having worked his way up from youth in an unnamed and officially deniable “service” under the umbrella of Canada’s Intelligence Community.
Michael Rooker
, Tobin Bell
, Selma Blair
, Jack Conley
, Kevin Corrigan
, Brad Dourif
, Harold Gould
, Brion James
, Barry Newman
, William Newman
, Valerie Perrine
, Will Sasso
, Jack Wallace
, Big Daddy Wayne
, Ron Barker
, David Labiosa
, Al Rodrigo
, Lisa Koch
, Lee Weaver
, Kevin Jackson
, Rolando Molina
, Danny Mora
, Jennifer Coolidge
, John Prosky
, Christopher Meloni
Jason Freeland