The Last Tycoon
From F. Scott Fitzgerald's last work, The Last Tycoon follows Monroe Stahr, Hollywood's Golden Boy as he battles father figure and boss Pat Brady for the soul of their studio. In a world darkened by the Depression and the growing influence of Hitler's Germany, The Last Tycoon illuminates the passions, violence and towering ambition of 1930s Hollywood.
Åke Söderblom
, Rune Halvarsson
, Bert Sorbon
, Thor Modéen
, Benkt-Åke Benktsson
, Eva Henning
, Åke Johansson
, Eric Abrahamsson
, Viran Rydkvist
, Anna-Lisa Baude
, Eric Fröling
, Georg Skarstedt
, Astrid Bodin
, Ragnar Widestedt
, Hugo Tranberg
, Rolf Botvid
, Richard Lund
, Gunnar Höglund
, Lennart Nyberg
, Esten Areschoug
, Lill-Acke Jacobson
, Karl-Gustaf Jansson
, Arne Söderberg
, Arne Andersson
, Siri Olson
, Karl Kinch
, Folke Algotsson
, Gunnar Almqvist
, Adèle Söderholm
, Signe Lundberg-Settergren
, Walter Lindström
, Uno Larsson
, Gustaf Hedberg
, Olle Florin
, Gösta Bodin
, Astrid Bodin
Ivar Johansson