The Great Adventure
The Great Adventure is a historical anthology series that appeared on CBS for the 1963-1964 television season. The series, narrated each week by Van Heflin, and featuring theme music by Richard Rodgers, presented a weekly one-hour dramatization of the lives of famous Americans and important historical events in American History.
Matt Damon
, Angelina Jolie
, Alec Baldwin
, Tammy Blanchard
, Billy Crudup
, Robert De Niro
, Keir Dullea
, Michael Gambon
, Martina Gedeck
, William Hurt
, Timothy Hutton
, Mark Ivanir
, Gabriel Macht
, Lee Pace
, Joe Pesci
, Eddie Redmayne
, John Sessions
, John Turturro
, Yelena Shmulenson
, Jack Martin
, Anne-Marie Cusson
, Robert Bermudez Cordell
, David Crommett
, Michael Arden
, Justin Bohon
, Justin Daniel
, Michael Flanigan
, John Hill
, Will Reynolds
, Michael Seelbach
, Ryan Michael Shaw
, Stephen Powell
, Henry Gummer
, Gregory Marcel
, Austin Williams
, Sophie Sutton
, Lars Gerhard
, Tessa Kim
, Peter Kybart
, Rob Barnes
, Lee Bryant
, Laila Robins
, Redman Maxfield
, John C. Whitehead
, Jeff Skowron
, Oleg Stefan
, Meredith Deacon
, Josh Casaubon
, Christopher Evan Welch
, Tuc Watkins
, Leonard Logsdail
, Eric Lindh
, Trace Taylor
, Amanda Barron
, James Faulkner
, Robert Ian Mackenzie
, Dieter Riesle
, Sándor Técsy
, Tommy Nelson
, Greg Plitt
, Marcos Cohen
, Jeff Applegate
, Jon Monett
, Sandee Conrad
, Jonathan Dokuchitz
, Susan Haskell
, Sjoerd Dejong
, Neal Huff
, Jason Butler Harner
, Amy Wright
, Matthew Humphreys
, Karron Graves
, Robert C. Kirk
, Reathel Bean
, Jerry Coyle
, Wally Dunn
, Roger Rathburn
, Michael Melvoin
, Glenn Kalison
, John Knox
, Benjamin Eakeley
, Gino Cafarelli
, Tommy DeVito
, Stefanie Nava
, Isabella Cimato
, Jimmy Marchese
, Robert Prescott
, Bill McHugh
, Ann Hampton Callaway
, Christopher Druckman
, Liya Kebede
, John Henry
, Josh Pence
, Dave Payton
, Vladislav Kozlov
Robert De Niro