The Corner
The Corner presents the world of Fayette Street using real names and real events. The miniseries tells the true story of men, women and children living amid the open-air drug markets of West Baltimore. It chronicles a year in the lives of 15-year-old DeAndre McCullough, his mother Fran Boyd, and his father Gary McCullough, as well as other addicts and low-level drug dealers caught up in the twin-engine economy of heroin and cocaine.
Gerard Kearns
, Matthew McNulty
, Elliot Cowan
, Brendan Coyle
, Heather Craney
, Shaun Dingwall
, Dhafer L'Abidine
, Naomi Bentley
, William Atkinson
, Leo Gregory
, Alistair Petrie
, Pip Torrens
, Roger Barclay
, Matthew Gravelle
, Andrew Readman
, Barry Sloane
, Michael Byrne
United States of America
Marc Munden