

Tate is an American Western television series that aired on NBC from June 8 until September 14, 1960. It was created by Harry Julian Fink, who wrote most of the scripts, and produced by Perry Como's Roncom Video Films, Inc., as a summer replacement for The Perry Como Show. Richard Whorf guest starred once on the series and directed the majority of the episodes. Ida Lupino directed one segment.
Released: 1960-06-08
Genre: Western Drama
Casts: Devon Gummersall , Derek Richardson , Tina Illman , Scott Whyte , Arielle Kebbel , Eric Mabius , Michael Ironside , Marcia Strassman , David Hadinger , Carole Ruggier , Paul Greenstein , Paul Butcher , Steven Zlotnick , Christopher Boyer , Alejandro Patiño , Les Jankey
Director: Dave Payne

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