Survivors is a British post-apocalyptic fiction television series devised by Terry Nation and produced by Terence Dudley at the BBC from 1975 to 1977. It concerns the plight of a group of people who have survived an accidentally released plague – referred to as "The Death" – that kills nearly the entire human population of the planet.
Jennifer Lopez
, Martin Sheen
, Antonio Banderas
, Maya Zapata
, Sônia Braga
, Kate del Castillo
, Randall Batinkoff
, Juan Diego Botto
, Irineo Alvarez
, Julio Cesar Cedillo
, Zaide Silvia Gutiérrez
, Rene Rivera
, Karolinah Villarreal
, Debrianna Mansini
, J.D. Garfield
, Juanes
, Teresa Ruiz
, Marilyn Dodds Frank
, Paul Blott
, Doris Hargrave
, Amelia Zapata
, Peter Gonzales Falcon
, John Norman
, Gonzalo Mauro Montiel Aguirre
, Mike Campos
, Jorge Urzua
, Ruben G. Rojas
, Irene Estrada
, Deborah Martinez
, Eduardo Garza
, Miguel Piliado
, Héctor Zavala
, Ronald Robert Hamilton
, Arlin Alcala
, Brandon Smith
United Kingdom
Gregory Nava