Storage Hunters

Storage Hunters

Storage Hunters is an American television series that premiered on June 21, 2011 on TruTV. The show focuses on auctioneer Sean Kelly's sale of storage auctions and the interactions between main bidders Brandon and Lori Bernier, Jesse McClure, Tarrell "T-Money" Wright, Ron "Papa Bear" Kirkpatrick, "Desert Dan," and the lock cutter/security guard, Cameron "Green Mile" Rowe.
Released: 2011-06-21
Casts: Eisuke Tsunoda , Ryôsuke Suzuki , Yoji Ietomi , Hiromasa Taguchi , Third Nagashima , Sachiko Wakayama , Yumi Goto , Ryoka Yuzuki , Yumi Kayama , Ken'ichi Môri , Keiichi Mano , Tomoyuki Shimada , Makoto Ogawa , Tomorowo Taguchi , Rusher Kimura , Izô Genki , Mitsue Ueno
Director: Katsuya Matsumura

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