Space Patrol

Space Patrol

Space Patrol is a science fiction adventure series that was originally aimed at juvenile audiences of the early 1950s via television, radio, and comic books. However, it soon developed a sizable adult audience such that by 1954, the program consistently ranked in the top 10 shows broadcast on a Saturday.
Released: 1950-12-30
Casts: Dick Powell , Walter Slezak , Micheline Cheirel , Nina Vale , Morris Carnovsky , Edgar Barrier , Steven Geray , Jack La Rue , Gregory Gaye , Luther Adler , Ellen Corby , Gino Corrado , Tanis Chandler , Martin Cichy , Jean Del Val , Byron Foulger , Cy Kendall , Nelson Leigh , Ethelreda Leopold , Belle Mitchell , Nestor Paiva , Stanley Price , Kenneth MacDonald
Director: Edward Dmytryk

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