

Snoops is an American comedy-drama television series that aired on ABC. The series, which aired from September 26, 1999 to December 19, 1999, was created by David E. Kelley. Snoops came about during the height of Kelley's fame, with both The Practice and Ally McBeal sustaining large audiences.
Released: 1999-09-26
Casts: Abel Gance , Colette Darfeuil , Jeanne Brindeau , Samson Fainsilber , Georges Colin , Victor Francen , Jean d'Yd , Sylvie Gance , Albert Bras , Vanda Gréville , Major Heitner , Philippe Hersent , L. Laumon , Monique Rolland , Saint-Allier , Aleksandr Vertinskiy , Marie Lacroix
Director: Abel Gance

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