

Shindig! is an American musical variety series which aired on ABC from September 16, 1964 to January 8, 1966. The show was hosted by Jimmy O'Neill, a disc jockey in Los Angeles at the time who also created the show along with his wife Sharon Sheeley and production executive Art Stolnitz. The original pilot was rejected by ABC and David Sontag, then Executive Producer of ABC, redeveloped and completely redesigned the show. A new pilot with a new cast of artists was shot starring Sam Cooke. That pilot aired as the premiere episode.
Released: 1964-09-16
Genre: Reality
Casts: George C. Scott , Stephen Young , Frank Latimore , Karl Michael Vogler , Karl Malden , Michael Strong , Carey Loftin , Lawrence Dobkin , Albert Dumortier , Morgan Paull , Bill Hickman , Pat Zurica , James Edwards , David Bauer , John Barrie , Richard Münch , Siegfried Rauch , Michael Bates , Paul Stevens , Gerald Flood , Jack Gwillim , Edward Binns , Peter Barkworth , Lionel Murton , David Healy , Sandy McPeak , Douglas Wilmer , John Doucette , Tim Considine , Abraxas Aaran , Clint Ritchie , Alan MacNaughtan , Florencio Amarilla , Brandon Brady , Charles Dennis , Paul Frees , Dolores Judson , Hellmut Lange , Bruce Rhodewalt , Lowell Thomas , Harry Towb , Billy Kearns
Director: Franklin J. Schaffner

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