The epic tale of celebrated Pulitzer-prize winning author Alex Haley's ancestors as portrayed in the acclaimed twelve hour mini-series Roots, was first told in his 1976 bestseller Roots: The Saga of an American Family. The docu-drama covers a period of history that begins in mid-1700s Gambia, West Africa and concludes during post-Civil War United States, over 100 years later. This 1977 miniseries eventually won 9 Emmy awards, a Golden Globe award, and a Peabody award, and still stands as the most watched miniseries in U.S. history.
Elizabeth Berridge
, Cooper Huckabee
, Kevin Conway
, Largo Woodruff
, Miles Chapin
, Jeanne Austin
, Jack McDermott
, Shawn Carson
, David Carson
, Sonia Zomina
, Ralph Morino
, Herb Robins
, Mona Agar
, William Finley
, Susie Malnik
, Sylvia Miles
, Sid Raymond
, Larry Ross
, Frank Grimes
, Frank Schuller
, Peter Conrad
, Mildred Hughes
, Glen Lawrence
, Shawn McAllister
, Sandy Mielke
, Mike Montalvo
, Sherman 'Big Train' Bergman
, Raymond Forchion
, David Mandel
Tobe Hooper