Respected police officer John River, a gifted cop with a troubled mind, struggles to come to terms with the recent loss of a colleague, and chases a suspect across London - with tragic consequences. Now at odds with the authorities, River ends up in a precarious position as he seeks to bring closure to the mother of murdered teenager, who blames him for failing to keep his promise.
Richard Attenborough
, Jack Hawkins
, Flora Robson
, John Leyton
, Mia Farrow
, Cecil Parker
, Errol John
, Graham Stark
, Earl Cameron
, Percy Herbert
, David Lodge
, Bernard Horsfall
, John Meillon
, Horace James
, Patrick Holt
, Alan Browning
, Richard Bidlake
, Joe Layode
, Ric Hutton
, Thomas Baptiste
, John Ashley Hamilton
, Louis Mahoney
, Bloke Modisane
, Benny Nightingale
, Frank Singuineau
United Kingdom
John Guillermin