Pretty Little Liars: The Perfectionists
In Beacon Heights, a seemingly perfect town, a group of three college friends struggle with the stress of being overachievers. In the aftermath of the town’s first murder, each Perfectionist hides behind a secret, a lie and an alibi.
James Caan
, Michael Sarrazin
, Brenda Scott
, Don Stroud
, Paul Petersen
, Michael Burns
, Jan-Michael Vincent
, Harrison Ford
, John Doucette
, Noah Beery Jr.
, Tisha Sterling
, James Gammon
, Brian Avery
, Clarke Gordon
, Robert Pine
, Sean Kennedy
, Wesley Lau
, Chet Stratton
, Bing Russell
, Lane Bradford
, Rex Ingram
, Myron Healey
, Eileen Wesson
, Albert Popwell
United States of America
William Hale