Newsreaders is a quarter-hour format American television comedy that lampoons the news magazine genre. The series is a spinoff of the Adult Swim show Childrens Hospital and stars Mather Zickel as Louis LaFonda, the host of the fictional news magazine Newsreaders. The series premiered January 17, 2013. It has been renewed for a second season.
William Boyd
, Russell Hayden
, Andy Clyde
, Frances Gifford
, Victor Jory
, Ethel Wales
, Morris Ankrum
, Tom Tyler
, Hal Taliaferro
, Jack Rockwell
, Britt Wood
, John Beach
, Hank Bell
, Jess Cavin
, Tex Cooper
, Curley Dresden
, Edward Earle
, Joe Garcio
, Al Haskell
, Philip Kieffer
, Johnny Luther
, Chuck Morrison
, Charles Murphy
, Herman Nowlin
, Fox O'Callahan
, Cliff Parkinson
, Phil Schumacher
, George Sowards
, Lem Sowards
, Arthur Thalasso
, Ted Wells
, Henry Wills
, Hank Worden
, Wen Wright
United States of America
Derwin Abrahams