Neanderthals - Meet Your Ancestors

Neanderthals - Meet Your Ancestors

According to recent science the Neanderthals are not the knuckle-dragging apemen of popular imagination. In fact they are our distant ancestors. About 2% of the DNA of most people is of Neanderthal origin—and it continues to affect us today. Ella Al-Shamahi enlists the skills of Andy Serkis, the master of performance capture, and a group of experts to investigate Neanderthals.
Released: 2018-05-13
Genre: Documentary
Casts: Óscar Jaenada , Jose Coronado , Vanessa Incontrada , Iñaki Miramón , Kike Díaz de Rada , Leire Ucha , Iñaki Font , Paul Zubillaga , Adolfo Fernández , Iñake Irastorza , José María Asín , Txema Blasco , Josu Ormaetxe , Antonio Rupérez , Patxi Barko , Mariana Cordero , Alicia Cifredo , Álvaro Garayalde , Gotzon Sánchez , Savitri Ceballos , Javier Merino , Itziar Lazcano , Kepa Gallego , Olatz Beobide , Nati Ortíz de Zárate , Jesús Carrillo , Rafa Sánchez , Patxi Pérez , Alberto Berzal , Mikel Martín , Juanlu Escudero , Mario Simancas , Asier Hormaza , Jose Kruz Gurrutxaga , Verónica Fernández , Miriam Martín
Director: Manuel Gutiérrez Aragón

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