My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic
Journey to the enchanted land of Equestria, where unicorn Twilight Sparkle and her pals have adventures and learn valuable lessons about friendship.
Alan Bates
, June Ritchie
, Thora Hird
, Bert Palmer
, Pat Keen
, James Bolam
, Jack Smethurst
, Gwen Nelson
, John Ronane
, David Mahlowe
, Patsy Rowlands
, Michael Deacon
, Annette Robertson
, Fred Ferris
, Leonard Rossiter
, Malcolm Patton
, Harry Markham
, Peter Madden
, Norman Heyes
, Bryan Mosley
, Yvonne Buckingham
, David Cook
, Jerry Desmonde
, Helen Fraser
, Joe Gladwin
, Reginald Green
, Douglas Livingstone
, Ruth Porcher
, Bud Ralston
, Edna Ridgway
, Graham Rigby
, Kathy Staff
, Kathleen Walker
, Fred Wood
John Schlesinger