

Minoriteam is an animated television series on Cartoon Network's late night programming block, Adult Swim. The pilot episode premiered on November 6, 2005. The series officially started on March 20, 2006, and ended on July 24, 2006, with a total of 20 episodes, over the course of one season. Minoriteam stars a team of five superheroes, each one having his own racial or ethnic stereotype. They join forces to fight against discrimination, such as The White Shadow, Racist Frankenstein and The Corporate Ladder. The Minoriteam is made up of Non-Stop, an Arab convenience-store owner who cannot be shot. El Jefe, a Mexican that fights crime with a leaf blower. Dr. Wang, an Asian human calculator and the leader of the team. Fasto, the fastest man that ever was. Lastly, Jewcano, a man with the powers of the Jewish faith and a volcano.
Released: 2005-11-06
Casts: Marcello Mastroianni , Anna Prucnal , Bernice Stegers , Donatella Damiani , Jole Silvani , Ettore Manni , Fiammetta Baralla , Hélène Calzarelli , Catherine Carrel , Marcella Di Falco , Silvana Fusacchia , Gabriella Giorgelli , Dominique Labourier , Stéphanie Loïk , Sylvie Matton , Maïté Nahyr , Sibilla Sedat , Alessandra Panelli , Loredana Solfizi , Rosaria Tafuri , Carla Terlizzi , Katren Gebelein , Nadia Vasil , Fiorella Molinari , Sylvie Wacrenier , Jill Lucas , Vivian Lucas , Penny Brown , Gabriella Di Luzio , Catharina Dahlin , Josiane Tanzilli , Marina Hedman , Malisa Longo , Rose Alba , Isabelle Canto da Maya , Omero Capanna , Fernando Cerulli , Annamaria Chio , Marina Confalone , Milly Corinaldi , Mirella D'Angelo , Franco Diogene , Stefan Liberski , Cesare Martignoni , Nello Pazzafini , Brigitte Petronio , Mimmo Poli , Mara Tchoukleva , Stavros Tornes , Karina Verlier , Umberto Zuanelli , Germana Di Giannicola , Maria Grazia Smaldone , Gianni Di Segni , Maria Pia Cafiero , Susanna Forgione , Luciana Turina , Marilù Prati
Director: Federico Fellini

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