Lenny is an American sitcom which aired on CBS from September 10, 1990 until March 9, 1991. The series, a starring vehicle conceived for comedian Lenny Clarke, was created by Don Reo and produced by Reo's Impact Zone Productions, Witt/Thomas Productions and Buena Vista Television.
Nicole Kidman
, Cameron Bright
, Danny Huston
, Lauren Bacall
, Alison Elliott
, Arliss Howard
, Michael Desautels
, Anne Heche
, Peter Stormare
, Ted Levine
, Cara Seymour
, Joe M. Chalmers
, Novella Nelson
, Zoe Caldwell
, Charles Goff
, Sheila Smith
, Milo Addica
, Mary Catherine Wright
, Scott Johnsen
, Elizabeth Greenberg
, Tessa Auberjonois
, Michael Joseph Cortese Jr.
, John Robert Tramutola
, Jordan Lage
, Margot Jewers
, Matthew Giffuni
, Ian Hoffberg
, Laura Fallon
, John Juback
, Kavita R. Mangroo
, Alexandra Salo
, Hollis McConnell Jones
, Libby Skala
, Bruce Bennetis
, Gregory Smith
, T. Ryder Smith
, Ed Bogdanowicz
, Jerry Fuentes
, Gregory Dann
, Lisa Barnes
, Carl Burrows
, David Copeland
, Rumaisa Rahman
, Yvonne Sayers
, Lian Moy
, Sean Oliver
Jonathan Glazer