LEGO City Adventures
Welcome to LEGO City, a modern metropolis filled with the fiercest firefighters, the cream of the crop cops, and so many Blockheads. Every citizen will assemble together for the most awesomely awesome adventures.
Fosco Giachetti
, Gaby Morlay
, Germana Paolieri
, Camillo Pilotto
, Cesco Baseggio
, Maria Jacobini
, Maria Cebotari
, Febo Mari
, Carlo Duse
, Eugenio Duse
, Enrico Glori
, Clara Padoa
, Achille Majeroni
, Carlo Tamberlani
, Augusto Di Giovanni
, Gustavo Serena
, Guido Celano
, Lamberto Picasso
, Pierre Brasseur
, Gabriel Gabrio
, Beniamino Gigli
, Henri Rollan
Carmine Gallone