Lab Rats: Elite Force
In a bustling metropolis after the Mighty Med hospital is destroyed by a band of unknown super-villains, Adam and Leo volunteer to oversee the students at Davenport's Bionic Academy. Kaz, Oliver and Skylar join forces with Chase and Bree to form a powerful elite force that combines bionic heroes and superheroes. Together, they vow to track down the villains and keep the world safe.
Nora Tschirner
, Unax Ugalde
, Giulio Berruti
, Herbert Knaup
, Xenia Tostado
, Elena Irureta
, Susana Abaitua
, Sabina Schneebeli
, Enaut Gantxegi
, Rainer Guldener
, Lander Otaola
, Daniel Alonso
, Irie Leon Dje Bi
, Virginia Goméz
, Pei Feng Ye
, Ibán Malo
United States of America
David Pinillos