La Linea
La Linea is an Italian animated series created by the Italian cartoonist Osvaldo Cavandoli. The series consists of 90 episodes, each about 2–3 minutes long, which were originally broadcast on the Italian channel RAI between 1971 and 1986. Over the years the series aired in more than 40 countries around the world. All episodes of the series are available today on DVD.
Due to its short duration, it has often been used in many networks as an interstitial program.
The tune played in the background of the series was created by Franco Godi.
Even though the episodes are numbered up to 225, there are, in fact, only 90 La Linea episodes. The 1971 series had 8 episodes, the 1978 series had 56, and the 1986 series had 26.
Akira Terao
, Mitsuko Baisho
, Toshie Negishi
, Mieko Harada
, Mitsunori Isaki
, Toshihiko Nakano
, Yoshitaka Zushi
, Hisashi Igawa
, Chosuke Ikariya
, Chishū Ryū
, Martin Scorsese
, Masayuki Yui
, Tetsuo Yamashita
, Misato Tate
, Catherine Cadou
, Mieko Suzuki
, Ryûjirô Oki
, Masaaki Sasaki
, Motohiro Toriki
, Shû Nakajima
, Masuo Amada
, Sakae Kimura
, Meikyo Yamada
, Tetsu Watanabe
, Tetsuya Ito
, Hiroshi Miyasaka
, Toshiya Ito
, Takashi Itô
, Yasuhito Yamanaka
, Haruka Sugata
, Noriko Hayami
, Yûko Ishiwa
, Sachiko Oguri
, Fujio Tokita
, Michio Hino
, Michio Kida
, Noriko Honma
, Haruko Tōgō
, Reiko Nanao
, Shin Tonomura
, Junpei Natsuki
, Shigeo Katô
, Saburô Kadowaki
, Goichi Nagatani
, Shizuko Azuma
, Yoshie Kihira
, Yukie Shimura
, Setsuko Kawaguchi
, Kumeko Otowa
, Masahiko Sakata
Akira Kurosawa