Jack Taylor
Jack Taylor is an Irish television drama based on a series of novels by Ken Bruen. Set in Galway, the series stars Iain Glen in the eponymous role of Jack Taylor, a former officer with the Garda Síochána who becomes a "finder" after leaving the service. Taylor is a man who goes looking for clues where others have not bothered to. He also knows the streets of his hometown like the back of his hand.
Ryan Gosling
, Michelle Williams
, John Doman
, Mike Vogel
, Ben Shenkman
, Jen Jones
, Maryann Plunkett
, Faith Wladyka
, Marshall Johnson
, James Benatti
, Barbara Troy
, Carey Westbrook
, Eileen Rosen
, Enid Graham
, Ashley Gurnari
, Jack Parshutich
, Samii Ryan
, Mark Benginia
, Timothy Liveright
, Tamara Torres
, Robert Russell
, Michelle Nagy
, Felicia Reid
, Melvin Jurdem
, Alan Malkin
, Derik Belanger
, Isabella Frigoletto
, Madison Ledergerber
, Jaimie Jensen
, Joseph Basile
, Ian Bonner
, Robert Eckard
, Corey Sullivan
Derek Cianfrance