In Loving Memory
In Loving Memory is a British period sitcom set in an undertakers business that starred Thora Hird and Christopher Beeny. A pilot was transmitted in 1969 by Thames Television who rejected the idea before it was finally accepted by Yorkshire Television in 1979 where it further ran for five series between until 1986.
Tom Hanks
, Meg Ryan
, Lloyd Bridges
, Dan Hedaya
, Ossie Davis
, Barry McGovern
, Robert Stack
, Amanda Plummer
, Lala Sloatman
, Abe Vigoda
, Carol Kane
, Branscombe Richmond
, Jayne Haynes
, David Burton
, Jon Conrad Pochron
, Jim Hudson
, Antoni Gatti
, Darrell Zwerling
, Jim Ryan
, Karl Rumburg
, Brian Esteban
, Nathan Lane
, Wally Ruiz
, Guillermo Guzman
, Tommy Franco
, Tony Salome
, Courtney Gibbs
, Jennifer Stewart
, William Ward
, Paul Michael Thorpe
, Michael George
John Patrick Shanley