I Dream of Jeannie
While on a mission, American astronaut Captain Tony Nelson is forced to make an emergency landing that will forever change his life. On a deserted South Pacific island, Captain Nelson happens upon a bottle containing a beautiful two-thousand-year-old female genie named Jeannie. Rescuing her from the bottle nets Tony the requisite three wishes, and then some, when Jeannie pledges total devotion to her new "master".
Jean-François Stévenin
, Virginie Thévenet
, Chantal Mercier
, Tania Torrens
, Nicole Félix
, Philippe Goldman
, Bruno de Stabenrath
, Georges Desmouceaux
, René Barnerias
, Francis Devlaeminck
, Laurent Devlaeminck
, Marcel Berbert
, François Truffaut
, Laura Truffaut
, Eva Truffaut
, Corinne Boucart
, Vincent Touly
, Pascale Bruchon
, Claudio Deluca
, Franck Deluca
, Richard Golfier
, Sylvie Grezel
, Paul Heyraud
, Michèle Heyraud
, Sebastien Marc
, Christine Pellé
, Jeanne Lobre
, Christian Lentretien
, Yvon Boutina
, Jean-Francis Gondre
, Hélène Jeanbrau
United States of America
François Truffaut