Heist is an American television series that premiered March 22, 2006, on NBC, but was almost immediately canceled due to low ratings. The series was from acclaimed director Doug Liman and revolved around professional thief Mickey O' Neil, who created a team of experts to try to pull off the biggest heist in history — to simultaneously rob three jewelry stores on Rodeo Drive during Academy Awards week. Meanwhile, Amy Sykes, lead detective for LAPD’s Robbery Division, led the task force investigating a series of thefts committed by this new crew. Under high pressure from her superiors, she had to figure out not only who was behind the crimes, but also what larger job they were leading up to.
, Nicolas Cage
, Vincent Gardenia
, Olympia Dukakis
, Danny Aiello
, Julie Bovasso
, John Mahoney
, Louis Guss
, Feodor Chaliapin Jr.
, Anita Gillette
, Leonardo Cimino
, Paula Trueman
, Nada Despotovich
, Joe Grifasi
, Gina DeAngeles
, Robin Bartlett
, Helen Hanft
, David S. Howard
, Robert Weil
, Amy Aquino
, Tony Azito
, Frank Gio
, Ann McDonough
, John Christopher Jones
, Lisa Howard
, Cynthia Dale
, Anthony Messuri
, Martha Collins
, John Fanning
, Antonia Minella
, Nicholas Pasco
, Al Therrien
, Lou Pitoscia
, Gilberto Godoy
, Louis Di Bianco
, Betti Orsatti
, Michael Barbaro
, Antonio Pariselli
, Corrado Gianna
, Tommy Hollis
, Matt Myers
, Michael Dunster
, Stella Bruno
, Mimi Cecchini
, Mimi Lizio
, Tim Koetting
, Gerard Flannery
, Robert Payson
, Catherine Scorsese
, Jack K. Tsirakis
, Curt Hayward
, Stephany Hitchcock
, David Hummel
, Cathy Ladman
, Peter Austin Noto
, Helen Proimos
, Charles Scorsese
Norman Jewison