Haunted Highway

Haunted Highway

Haunted Highway, is a paranormal investigation, reality television series, produced by BASE Productions, that began airing on the Syfy network July 3, 2012. The series features two teams of investigators; Jack Osbourne, investigator Dana Workman, and Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files investigators Jael de Pardo and Devin Marble. On the 5th episode of the series, Osbourne announced that he was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis and temporarily stepped down as host of the series. On April 22, 2013 it was announced that the series had been renewed for a 6-episode 2nd Season set to premiere in the fall of 2013.
Released: 2012-07-03
Casts: Dominique Blanc , Gilbert Melki , Ornella Muti , Catherine Frot , François Morel , Lucas Belvaux , Jean-Baptiste Montagut , Bernard Mazzinghi , Patrick Descamps , Yves Claessens
Director: Lucas Belvaux

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