Growing Up Creepie
Growing Up Creepie was an animated television series made in the USA and Canada by Mike Young Productions and produced by Discovery Kids. In other countries, the series was simply titled Creepie. The series aired 52 episodes, and it would have aired more, but Discovery Kids was replaced with The Hub.
Charles Laughton
, Richard Arlen
, Leila Hyams
, Bela Lugosi
, Kathleen Burke
, Arthur Hohl
, Stanley Fields
, Paul Hurst
, Hans Steinke
, Tetsu Komai
, George Irving
, Jack Bardette
, Evangelus Berbas
, Joe Bonomo
, Buster Brodie
, Jacob Dance
, James Dime
, Harry Ekezian
, Charles Gemora
, John George
, Rosemary Grimes
, Robert P. Kerr
, Bob Kortman
, Robert Milasch
, Constantine Romanoff
, Schlitzie
, Jack Walters
, Duke York
United States of America
Erle C. Kenton