

Cuts is an American sitcom that aired on the UPN network from February 14, 2005, to May 11, 2006, and is a spin-off of another UPN series, One on One. The show was canceled along with many other shows when the UPN and WB networks merged to form The CW.
Released: 2005-02-14
Genre: Comedy
Casts: Jane Fonda , Donald Sutherland , Charles Cioffi , Roy Scheider , Dorothy Tristan , Rita Gam , Nathan George , Vivian Nathan , Morris Strassberg , Barry Snider , Betty Murray , Jane White , Shirley Stoler , Robert Milli , Anthony Holland , Fred Burrell , Richard B. Shull , Mary Louise Wilson , Marc Malvin , Jean Stapleton , Jan Fielding , Antonia Rey , Robert Ronan , Richard Russell Ramos , Rosalind Cash , Sylvester Stallone , Jerome Collamore , Candy Darling , Kevin Dobson , Veronica Hamel , Richard Jordan , Tony Major , Harry Reems , Joe Silver , Ellen Stretton , Lee Wallace
Director: Alan J. Pakula

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