Family man Joe Petrus is living the American dream with his fiancé and step-kids. However, unbeknownst to them, Joe was involved in a mysterious crime three years ago and now his dangerous past is about to catch up with him. When a killer starts targeting the crew behind the crime, Joe realizes it's only a matter of time before his family is targeted. He returns to London to track down his old gang and find out who is coming after them.
Bob Durant
, Richard Doty
, Tracy Tormé
, Peter Gersten
, Walter Bosley
, Greg Bishop
, Ron Regehr
, Gabe Valdez
, Linda Moulton Howe
, Christopher Green
, Mark Pilkington
, Richard Dolan
, George Hansen
, Robert Emenegger
, Curtis Peebles
, Victor Martinez
, Stephen Broadbent
, Bill Ryan
United Kingdom
John Lundberg