Captain Flamingo
Captain Flamingo is a Canadian animated television series, which chronicles the adventures of the protagonist and main character Milo Powell. The titular character is of an unspecified young age. He has no real super-powers of note, just a desire to help "li'l kids" in trouble. His "super powers" take the form of novelty items, such as a whoopee cushion, among other things.
Gena Rowlands
, Buck Henry
, Julie Carmen
, John Adames
, Tony Knesich
, Gregory Cleghorne
, Lupe Garnica
, Jessica Castillo
, Tom Noonan
, Ronald Maccone
, George Yudzevich
, Gary Klar
, William E. Rice
, Frank Belgiorno
, J.C. Quinn
, Alex Stevens
, Sonny Landham
, Harry Madsen
, Shanton Granger
, John Pavelko
, Ray Baker
, Ross Charap
, Irvin Graham
, Michael Proscia
, T.S. Rosenbaum
, Santos Morales
, Meta Shaw Stevens
, Marilyn Putnam
, John Finnegan
, Gaetano Lisi
, Richard M. Kaye
, Steve Lefkowitz
, George Poidomani
, Lawrence Tierney
, Asa Adil Qawee
, Vincent Pecorella
, Iris Fernandez
, Jade Bari
, David Resnick
, Thomas J. Buckman
, Joe Dabenigno
, Bill Wiley
, John M. Sefakis
, Val Avery
, Walter Dukes
, Janet Ruben
, Ferruccio Hrvatin
, Edward Wilson
, Basilio Franchina
, Carl Levy
, Warren Selvaggi
, Nathan Seril
, Vladimir Drazenovic
, Edward Jacobs
, Brad Johnston
, Jerry Jaffe
, Chris McCabe Adams
, Maja Niles
, Jerry Schram
, Filomena Spagnuolo
John Cassavetes