The drama follows the lives of seven boys navigating their school years and personal growth, each grappling with family obligations, loss, poverty, abandonment, violence, and rejection. After an unwanted return to Songju-si, Kim Hwan meets six boys. As an outsider and the son of Kim Chang Jun, the boys sometimes find him suspicious and misunderstand his actions, leading to conflicts. Despite these initial difficulties, they eventually become friends. It seemed awkward at first, but over time, they grow closer and open their hearts. They travel and play together, sharing their problems to help each other heal. Realizing they all have similar family issues, they become even closer. Hwan confronts his own feelings by staying with the other boys. As he spends time with them, he starts to like Songju-si and genuinely wishes for these days to continue forever.
Released: 2024-04-30
Casts: Nikos Kouris , Athina Maximou , Zoe Nalbanti , Kostas Markopoulos , Thanasis Viskadourakis , Yiannis Rozakis , George Dialegmenos , Thanos Alexandris , Nikos Alatzas , Giannis Astrakakis , Fotini Baxevani , Armando Dauti , Vangelis Dimitriou , Mihalis Ellinas , Gerasimos Gennatas , Eleni Giannakopoulou , Kostas Gogos , Thomas Halvatzis , Angeliki Haralabopoulou , Nikos Chatzopoulos , Zano Konstantinidis , Nikos Kourouklis , Kostas Laskos , Stathis Livathinos , Marilli Mastrantoni , Andonis Mombaitzis , Alex Moukanos , Christos Nastos , Thanasis Pagonis , Zinos Panagiotidis , Themis Panou , Dimitris Pantazis , Makis Patanas , Voula Pelekanou , Max Roman , Sofia Sidiropoulou , Tolis Skoulariotis , Takis Spiridakis , Spyros Stavrinidis , Kostas Stefanakis , Melissa Stoili , Panos Thanassoulis , Laert Vasili , Muzafer Zifla , Spiros Zoupanos
Country: South Korea
Director: Nikos Panayotopoulos

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