

Aquaman is a Filmation animated series that premiered on CBS on September 9, 1967, and ended June 1970. It is a 30-minute version of The Superman/Aquaman Hour of Adventure, repackaged without the Superman and Superboy segments. The show is composed of previously-aired adventures featuring the DC Comics superheroes Aquaman and his sidekick Aqualad, the Atom, the Flash and Kid Flash, the Green Lantern and Hawkman. The Justice League of America and Teen Titans are also featured in team adventures.
Released: 1967-09-09
Genre: Animation
Casts: Clint Eastwood , Freddie Jones , David Huffman , Warren Clarke , Ronald Lacey , Kenneth Colley , Klaus Löwitsch , Nigel Hawthorne , Stefan Schnabel , Thomas Hill , Clive Merrison , Kai Wulff , Dimitra Arliss , Austin Willis , Michael Currie , James Staley , Ward Costello , Alan Tilvern , Oliver Cotton , Bernard Behrens , Richard Derr , Woody Eney , Bernard Erhard , Hugh Fraser , David Gant , John Grillo , Czeslaw Grocholski , Neil Hunt , Vincent J. Isaac , Alexei Jawdokimov , Wolf Kahler , Eugene Lipinski , Curt Lowens , Lev Mailer , Fritz Manes , David Meyers , Alfredo Michelson , Zeno Nahayevsky , George Orrison , Tony Papenfuss , Olivier Pierre , Grigoriy Plotkin , George Pravda , John Ratzenberger , Alex Rodine , Lance Rosen , Gene Scherer , Warwick Sims , Malcolm Storry , Chris Winfield , John Yates , Alexander Zale , Rudolf Waldemar Brem , Larry Guardino , Jeremy Coote , Gideon Singer
Director: Clint Eastwood

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