Amagami SS
A second-year high school boy finds himself uneasy during Christmas time due to an experience in the past. However, this year at Christmas, he gets his last chance to ask out a graduating female senior named Haruka Morishima — or one of several other classmates. The story of the anime will be arranged in an omnibus format, with each heroine getting her own version of the story animated. Each heroine will sing her own version of the ending theme song.
Michael Palin
, Maggie Smith
, Trevor Howard
, Denholm Elliott
, Graham Crowden
, Phoebe Nicholls
, Michael Hordern
, David Suchet
, Timothy Spall
, Tricia George
, Valerie Whittington
, Roland Culver
, Rosamund Greenwood
, Janine Duvitski
, Tilly Vosburgh
, Hugh Walters
, Derrick O'Connor
, Neil Innes
, David Leland
, Sophie Thompson
, Frances Barber
, Tony Steedman
, Damaris Hayman
, Anton Lesser
, David Dixon
, Frank Mills
, Charles McKeown
, Julian Curry
, Hugh Fraser
, Peter Bourke
, Arthur Howard
, Anne-Marie Marriott
, Dawn Archibald
, Ceri Jackson
, Janine Lesley
, Sasha Mitchell
, Francine Morgan
, Sally Watkins
, John Barrett
Richard Loncraine